Friday, August 7, 2009

Panic Attacks and Fear Learning...

Well, I promised a posting today and here it is. Back to the anatomy/physiology thing. Guess I become fixated on it at times, but it's so very pivotal in what we experience. Here are a couple of blurbs...

"Well, it seems as though neuroscientists have now located the very neurons that are responsible for fear learning in mammals. Using a highly sophisticated imaging technique called Arc catFISH (FISH is an acronym for fluorescence in situ hybridization) researchers at the University of Washington have traced all sorts of neural activation in the brains of rats. And they’ve pinpointed the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala as central in the dynamics of fear encoding."

"Now, it’s really of no great surprise that the amygdala has been found to be so deeply involved in the presentation of fear, as it, and its limbic system mate, the dorsal hippocampus, have been considered for quite some time to be the playing field of cue synthesis, leading to the formation of fear memories. But, this new work reveals the role of the hippocampus as one of stimuli processing and transmission to the amygdala. So the bottom-line is the dynamics of fear learning can be exclusively attributed to the action of neurons located in the amygala. And, by the way, processing, transmission, and reaction occurs very quickly, as learned responses are crucial to survival; especially if you’re a rat or lived as a human in a cave thousands of years ago."

You guessed it! Here's a link to the full article...


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Your dime, your dance floor. My only requests are to watch your language and really consider where people are coming from if you're directing comments at what someone's expressed.