Tuesday, July 7, 2009

More Derealization/Depersonalization...

Man, the emails reporting issues with d/d are flying in. Having been a sufferer I can surely understand why. Let's do all we can to share experiences and solutions. Already have two d/d articles on Ezine and a new one will appear in a couple of days. Check them out. Bill


  1. I was just telling my therapist today apparently this is more common these days than ever before. I have had DP/DR since May 2nd and have not been able to shake it. My husband, house and pets suddenly all are not real and I feel as if my voice is someone else's. I am on meds and feel very tired and spacey. I just want this to end already.....It was like I woke up in the twilight zone or something...

  2. Anyone who's ever experienced DD knows just how horrifying they are. I encourage you to keep writing as you work toward and through your recovery.

  3. It is very scary....I had a meltdown today at home and just bawled my eyes out

  4. I am on my way to recovery now! Life is much better and I wanted to thank you so much for the support you provided to me and putting up with my almost daily calls just to vent, get advice, etc.

  5. There is a new website for those with depersonalization disorder: DepersonalizationDisorder.org


Your dime, your dance floor. My only requests are to watch your language and really consider where people are coming from if you're directing comments at what someone's expressed.