Friday, July 10, 2009

You Really Can Do This...

I'm so often asked, "How did you ever beat this?" Of course, the reference is to panic attacks, agoraphobia, derealization, depersonalization, etc. You know the drill. Obviously, I can't get into the whole story, though my website and eWorkbook can. Check it all out at But in the meantime, I'll tell you through diligence, drive, creativity, education, reaching-out, openness, resiliency, and wanting it so badly you can taste it, you can and will succeed. These aren't shallow words of empty hope coming from some novice. No, this comes from someone who had derealization, depersonalization, agoraphobia, avoidance, and on and on and on so badly that no hope was in sight. And let's not forget a nasty alcohol dependence that I left behind 25 years ago. For sure, you can do this, and I can help. Why don't you let me?????????????


  1. Have you ever heard of Dr. Robin Freedman? she has also got a program to help with DP/DR.

  2. I am on my way to recovery! Yay!


Your dime, your dance floor. My only requests are to watch your language and really consider where people are coming from if you're directing comments at what someone's expressed.